martes, 18 de agosto de 2015

Lesson Plan number 1

Lesson Plan Number 1
Timetable: Viernes 13,15-14 / 14-14,45
Docente co-formador: Ana Gomez
Class: 4C/4D
Level: Elementary
Time: 40 Minutes per Course
Language Exponents: Vocabulary-Family-has got
Language Skills: Reading-Writing-Speaking
·         Be able to recognize and name family members vocabulary.
·         Describe and talk about their families.
·         Make use of the “has got” grammatical construction for descriptive purposes.

Personal Aims: We want to see how well students perceive us as new teachers. Also, observing how children respond to our tasks and teaching style is another interesting aim.
·         To Assess students’ engagement and motivation thorugh their participation in tasks.
Family members. Personal pronouns (he, she, I). Have/has got. Descriptive vocabulary.
Provide learners with basic vocabulary regarding FAMILY MEMBERS – such as mother, father, child, baby, sister, brother, grandmother and grandfather-, so that they can get acquainted with this new topic.
·         Have got/has got.
·         Pronouns: he and she.

Materials: Photocopies provided to the students- Blackboard- students’ notebooks.

Procedures:Teaching strategies
Warm up:  Activity 1:  
First, the trainees will provide the students the specific vocabulary showing them some flashcards to see whether they know any or the cartoons shown. After that, we will ask students “ what do these images have in common? Can you spot anything?”. As soon as they have realized the pictures depict FAMILIES, we will then write down the family member each of them represents  bellow the characters.
Activity 2:
In the Next activity stundets will be provided with pictures containing different kind of families. Students will gue them in thei notebooks so as to procede in identifying each family member as did  in the previous activity but this time performing this on their own.


Activity 3 :
This activity requires children to discuss with their desktop companion or alone the meaning of the unkown words (the words being glued on the blackboard and copied down on their notebooks) so as to proceed to the WHERE-DOES-IT-GO activity.

Write these words in the correct group

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