martes, 25 de agosto de 2015

Lesson Plan 3

Lesson Plan Number 3
School: School Number 6
Timetable: Friday 13:15-14:00 / 14:00-14:45
Docente co-formador: Ana Gómez
Class: 4C/4D
Level: Elementary
Time: 40 Minutes per Course
Language Exponents: Vocabulary-Family-SHE/HE is
 Language Skills: Reading-Writing-Speaking-listening
·         Be able to recognize and name family members vocabulary.
·         Describe and talk about their families.
·         Recognize and make use not only of the personal pronouns SHE & HE, but also the verb to be required for their conjugation.
Personal Aims: Observing how children respond to our tasks concerning basic reading and listening comprehension for imitation.
·         To assess students’ engagement and motivation through their participation in tasks introducing activities that combine vocabulary, as well as different macro-skills.
Family members. Personal pronouns (he, she, I) and the verb to be. Descriptive vocabulary.
Reinforce learners basic vocabulary regarding FAMILY MEMBERS – such as mother, father, child, baby, sister, brother, grandmother and grandfather-, so that they can get acquainted with this new topic.
·         SHE is/HE is.
·         THIS
·         Pronouns: HE and SHE
·         Introduction to the demonstrative pronoun THIS

Materials: Photocopies provided to the students- Blackboard- students’ notebooks.

Procedures: Teaching strategies

Warm up Activity
In order to revise, as well as introduce a new topic as regards grammar, trainees will bring about the personal pronoun I and its correspond VERB TO BE counterpart to make simple sentences such as “ I am Alexis” I am Lourdes” I am a teacher” I am a son”. After 4 minutes or so, we will proceed to introduce students the SHE and HE personal pronouns in conjunction with its correspond verb to be for simple descriptive sentences not only representing positive statements, but also negative ones.
This activity will be developed over the blackboard and orally for the same of children’s oral and written interpretation or foreign language. Furthermore, children will be taught the THIS IS grammatical construction.

Activity One
This activity will require students to recognize which family members belong to any of the two personal pronouns previously introduced, that is to say, students will be capable of recognizing, for example, that the personal pronoun SHE refers to females and that MOTHER, SISTER etc. belong to this group.

Activity Two
This activity will require students, after being guided not only by the teachers’ explanation, but also by the short model provided on top of activity, to produce their own simple family description.

Activity Three (Alternative activity in case of experiencing lack of time)
Inasmuch as students are not accustomed to reading comprehension activities, activity three would be introduced to be performed in pairs to exploit not only communal work, but also gradual reading comprehension skills as a crucial part of the learning of a second language.

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